Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A heart for Africa

In three days I will be traveling to Kenya. 
It is true, the same Kenya you've been hearing about the past four days in the news here in the US and all over the world.
There was a horrific terrorist attack in Nairobi (the capital city) at an upscale mall, Westgate. Dozens of innocent people were killed, hundreds more severely injured and sadly this atrocious event is still not over.
The "attackers" are still inside that mall - holding hostages and standing their "ground" after four days. 

A midst the ongoing turmoil, fear and stress of such a situation (7,500 miles away now, yet I’m flying into Nairobi in roughly 96 hours) many people have asked me "Are you still going?" Some have flat out said "You're not going!" and one person said they would "kidnap" me if I tried to go... (Uh hmm, Dad).

I would be lying to you if I said there were not some doubts and anxiety leading up to a trip like this, regardless of the recent circumstances we’ve all witnessed. Many people have said “why Africa, there are people to help in South Atlanta…” – I encountered this before when I hopped on a plane to Tanzania by myself nearly 4 years ago and again, as I prepare to return to a place full of such heartbreak, poverty and illness yet it is equally full of hope, joy and love beyond understanding.

Africa speaks to my heart, people. I don’t know what else to say other than that.

I’ve done a lot of personal work the past few years on embracing my compassionate heart – I’ve finally learned that it is a gift. As much as I feel and search and hope and trust and fight and grieve and wish for easy – God gave me this gift of loving others beyond comprehension, especially those in need, often the weakest and most vulnerable which is what draws me to Africa and orphans in particular. It isn’t easy, but we were not promised easy.

The people, children and adults alike encompass a beauty that I truly cannot comprehend nor put into words and my heart was meant to experience it – I cannot begin to fathom what the coming weeks will bring – what I will encounter, who’s stories will become a part of mine, the blessing of being able to love the abandoned and forgotten, nor how the light and dark parts of this world will continue to take shape.
It is my purest intention to remain faithful to what I feel called to experience and to also be wise as I continue to prepare for this exciting life journey I've been working towards and praying about for so many months.

Thank you for being a part of this with me – Your prayers, thoughts and encouragement are greatly appreciated.
We are continuing to take each day as it comes and as of now, I’ll be leaving on a jet plane come Friday evening.


p.s. to melt your hearts and hopefully bring a smile – our friends the Nolan’s have been in Nairobi this past week on a mission trip – Ashley’s daily posts have warmed my heart! (borrowed from Ashley's Instagram)
“I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everthing, 
but still I can do something; 
I will not refuse to do something I can do.”  -~ Helen Keller


Sam said...

Mando, I love you and your compassion. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. xoxo

Ashley Nolan said...

Hey Mandy! So fun to find your blog! Excited you are being discerning while faithful to the convictions of your heart. Have fun! Love well and as you know you will leave having received much more than you gave!

susan said...

praying for you mandy! love ya!
